What’s your word?
HAPPY 2019!
I'm ready and excited for 2019! These past 2 years have been full of adjustments and changes for me, and in the last few months of 2018 they all came together. And in all of it, just how much ‘Your Mindset Matters” proved to be the biggest lesson for me. I credit Elaine for that, and for how I’ve actually grown and become a better me through them, which is why I am so excited to launch this NEW blog post series ‘Your Mindset Matters’.
This blog series with Elaine Turcotte of Courageous Living will be about the personal, the professional, how they are connected and how ‘Your Mindset Matters’ in everything. By sharing her own stories, Elaine will help guide you in overcoming your own limiting beliefs, not being told how to process, or what to think, but rather to connect to yourself and your own resourcefulness. I hope you will follow along, and also with Elaine on Instagram @courageousliving.me and www.courageousliving.me
I’ve chosen ‘ONE WORD’ for 2019, and mine is LOVE.
In order to be our best selves, we first need to love ourselves.
So for 2019 the presence of love becomes my deciding factor, to what and who I let in, commit to, spend my time on, to what I choose to have in my life.
By choosing love, I am choosing to be my best me, give my best love in return, do my best work and make my best efforts. I don’t think there is a better goal or resolution than that. So for me 2019 is all about LOVE!
What's your 'ONE WORD'?
xo Shelagh
Just before Christmas last year, I was Skyping with a friend who told me about the One Word concept. She said that instead of setting a whole bunch of New Year's resolutions, she would pick one word. She explained that she focused on who she wanted to become and as a result accomplished a whole lot more.
It resonated.
For me, 2016 was a year of really tough endings. I spent more time hiding under the covers of my very comfortable bed than I care to admit. As the end of it approached, I thought about a word that I would help me shape the person I wanted to become in 2017.
Only one word seemed to fit: open.
It was a recurring message - I heard it over and over again from a number of very thoughtful, caring people that surround me. I've built walls to protect myself - I think if we're honest, most of us do. It's not easy to tear them down. I've thought of a lot of ways I'm not as open as I'd like to be. I'm making an effort but I have to admit, some days it's not so easy.
As the year goes on, I'm finding a growing list of ways that I need to be more open. To being more open minded and curious. To open up to life. To open up to new people, connecting with others and being more vulnerable. To open up and share more so that it can help others. To be open to receiving - especially help. To open a business that will help others open up - to themselves, to others, to new possibilities, to their dreams.
Most importantly, to open my heart.
I'm sure I'll find more as the year goes on.
A few weeks ago on my birthday, I received the most meaningful gift my sister has ever given me. It had been an interesting day - having gotten into a minor car accident, I was trying my best to be in a great mood but at the end of a phone call with my sister, it got the best of me. She told me to make sure to check the mailbox at the end of the day. When I did, I found a beautiful necklace with the word "open" carefully engraved.
I've worn it ever since and it's an incredible, tangible reminder of the person I want to become each time I look in the mirror or feel it around my neck.
I was speaking to a friend a few weeks ago and by the time I finished sharing this story, she had already picked her word.
If your New Year's resolutions are long gone, consider picking one word that you can filter every decision through for the remainder of the year. It's never too late!
xo Elaine